The Five Elements

Rooted in nature, traditional acupuncture has five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. People comprise all five elements, corresponding to energetic pathways, meridians, emotions, odors, colors, voices, and so on.

Disharmonies in the five elements occur at birth or shortly after birth. Classical Five Element Acupuncture (CFEA) helps to create balance and harmony in the five elements. Each element is associated with a variety of influences:


Wood is the element of spring, affecting the liver, gall bladder, tissues, muscle, nails, eyes, sight, and tears. Its climate is windy, accounting for emotions such as impatience, anger, inspiration, and control. Its associated color is green.


Fire is the summer element, affecting the heart, small intestines, blood vessels, complexion and sweat, tongue and speech. Its climate is hot, accounting for emotions such as joy, laughing, talking, aspiration and anxiety, Its color is red.


Earth is the element of late summer, affecting the spleen, pancreas, stomach, flesh, breast, lips, mouth, and taste. Its climate is humid, accounting for the intellect, worry, suspicion, singing and sobbing, and the belch. Its color is yellow.


Metal is the autumn element, affecting the lungs, large intestine, skin and body hair, breath, nose, and sense of smell. Its climate is dry, accounting for depression, grief, weeping, and coughing. Its color is white.


Water is the winter element, affecting the kidneys, bladder, and urine, bones, hair (on the head), ears and hearing. Its climate is cold, accounting for emotions such as insecurity and fear, as well as physical strength, shivering, and trembling. Its color is blue.